Apex Wagyu

From prized fullblood seedstock to healthy fullblood calves, our animals embody the superior genetic traits that have made Wagyu beef renowned for its exceptional marbling and unmatched flavor. Additionally, our frozen genetics program allows breeders to access elite Wagyu genetics and enhance their own breeding programs, ensuring the continued success of the Wagyu breed for generations to come.

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Maternal Lines

At Apex Wagyu, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence, which is why we only associate with the very best maternal lines in the Wagyu breed. We carefully select and partner with renowned maternal lines that possess exceptional fertility, strong mothering instincts, and superior genetic traits. By aligning ourselves with these top-tier maternal lines, we ensure that our customers have access to the highest quality genetics for their breeding programs, resulting in improved reproductive performance and overall success in their Wagyu operations.

  • Suzutani
  • Kikuhana
  • Chisahime
  • Hikokura
  • Okutani
  • Yuriko


Welcome to Apex Wagyu, where excellence is our commitment. We specialize in delivering superior fullblood Wagyu seedstock and calves sought after by farmers and ranchers nationwide. Our dedication to genetic purity ensures each animal possesses the exceptional traits associated with the Wagyu breed.

Our fullblood Wagyu seedstock forms the foundation of successful breeding programs. Through meticulous selection and breeding, we produce offspring with desired traits such as marbling, tenderness, and overall quality. By utilizing our seedstock, farmers can enhance their herds and achieve remarkable breeding results.

We also offer fullblood Wagyu calves that embody the epitome of Wagyu excellence. Carefully nurtured and raised in an optimal environment, these calves are a reliable choice for expanding herds or introducing top-tier genetics into breeding programs.

Choose Apex Wagyu to unlock the true potential of your herd. Experience the finest genetics and exceptional results in breeding.


apexwagyu@gmail.com | 419-566-5261

As a company that values customer satisfaction, we prioritize building lasting relationships with our clients. We understand the unique challenges farmers face and are committed to providing exceptional support and expertise every step of the way. Our knowledgeable team is readily available to address any inquiries and provide guidance tailored to your specific needs.

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